Thursday, February 28, 2008

Immigration raids: what is the controversy?

In an attempt to get a bigger picture of the immigration raids led by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) federal agency, I have started pulling together news articles referencing specific raids across the country. I want to understand what exactly happens in a raid, why they happen, who is targeted, and who is affected? What do they accomplish? How do they affect the communities?

I can't do this research on my own, as much as I'd like to. Hence, the good people of Google News are doing it for me. By running a simple query of articles pertaining to "ICE raids" I am instantly greeted with the days headlines on the subject. Now, if only our faithful news media do their job and report on these raids, we will have a great resource for people who are interested in learning about the day-in day-outs of ICE immigration raids, over at my new blog:

ICE Raid Report (


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