20 years ago I:
had just turned 7 years old.
was about to be in Ms. Williams' second grade class.
had a haircut that made me look like a boy.
wrote a story called Fireball Island.
was best friends with MB and not yet a Garbage and Trash nerd.
10 years ago I:
had just turned 17 and getting ready for my senior year.
was at UVA for the Young Writers' Workshop.
was madly in love with my boyfriend, in an unhealthy way.
had given no thought to my future.
loved that song "My Own Worst Enemy" by Lit.
5 years ago I:
had just turned 22.
spent 6 days a week delivering Chinese food.
lived in Fredericksburg, VA.
was on a downhill track toward major depression.
went kayaking with T on the Shenandoah for my birthday.
3 years ago I:
had just turned 24.
spent the summer living with T on Hunter St.
was a student at the Center for Documentary Studies.
was still adjusting to life with a dog.
relied heavily on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques to help me cope with social anxiety and other mental health issues.
So far this year I:
turned 27.
got accepted into law school.
have been more in love with T each day.
reaquainted myself with my goddaughter.
have seen my old friends in NC at least 3 times.
Yesterday I:
saw 6 sets of old friends.
ate tacos from Taqueria La Poblana.
reminded A for the 100th time why I don't tutor her anymore.
remembered how beautiful Durham is.
worried about T a lot.
Today I:
over-slept, then kept over-sleeping.
wondered if I should call animal control about my neighbor's dog.
heard Red Rag Top on the K95.
told T I love him.
have not had any coffee yet.
Tomorrow I will:
continue to train my replacement at work.
probably not read from the E&E law book I bought.
get to see my dog again.
wake up with T (hopefully).
do some packing.
In the next year I will:
survive my first year of law school, come hell or high water.
be living in a new and much bigger city.
experience many, many new things.
watch my brother graduate.
strive to be grateful every day for what I've been given.
Weekend Open Thread
[image: light blue flared jeans]
I've been on the hunt for flare jeans -- which are your favorites?
The post Weekend Open Thread appeared first on Corporet...
1 day ago
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