Thursday, March 27, 2008

It hurts to read

I think the person who wrote this trash should be deported along with every illegal. Especially the ones in the article. I don't feel sorry for any of them. They are like roaches. And, they have the audacity to act like they belong here. I would stop every one of them and if they were here illegally I would incarcerate them. NOT give them a ticket back to Mexico. Maybe we should be fighting in Mexico instead of Iraq. We made a big mistake. It is time to correct it. (Nezram)

This, and the items that follow, are fairly standard comments for any article on the Washington Post that references Latinos and the issue of immigration. The User Names of the people posting them are in parenthesis. I just want people to see the kinds of horrific things that are being said every day about immigrants (Latino and other), and about my family's culture. It really does hurt to read.

It's why we have rules folks, to keep everyone behaving the same way...if you can't play by the rules, you can't play in the game. Penalty box for you! Friggin bleeding heart liberals are driving the country down - Oh poor enrique, he had to come across the river and hop a fence to get here. Well if he had followed the rules he could have come across and stayed dry, and not suffered scrapes on that there fence..... (
Isnt it amazing how these ILLEGAls writing on this forum claim they made our economy thrive.( It was doing fine before you crawled accross our borders)If you are such great workers why cant you go back and make your own countries economy thrive. You cant thats why, Go home and demenstrate in the streets, hold ralleys,fly your flag upside down under a US flag, demand all kinds of benifits you dont deserve. It is because you know what whould happen to your cowardly AZZes, So you come here where the bleeding heart liberals will protect you. Guess what the Tide is turning so keep on writting, you are just building up more resentment. I am all for LEGAL immigration and these people deserve all the benifits this country offers. ILLEGAS DESREVE NOTHING (MyWord)

I have to say when I read this article this morning I was so happy. Knowing these leeches are moving out just made me tingle all over. Mexican illegals have been a scourge on our society. Their filthy, smelly thieves. They don't work hard and tax our system and make everything more expensive for the rest of us. Adios NotAmigos! (Vinnieceskins)
Good! Good riddance!! All you drunken, flop-house-living, gang-banger, crime-infested, take-jobs-from-real-Americans, protest-under-the-mexican-flag-waving, hispanic illegals are not welcome here. Get out!!! (JoeyJoey)

If you are legal in this country then you should be with the americans who gave you that freedom, I do not care if the illegals hatched golden eggs, they have totally trashed every neighborhood they occupied, they are a disgusting uneducated culture, even people who are mentally challenged can learn to pick up after themselves and learn some manners, there is no excuse for their behavior, americans are tired of watching this, overcrowded houses, urinating in public, drunk in public, drinking and driving with no license, domestic violence, 12 cars parked on the front lawn, blasting music, prstitudes and pimps, gang members and drug dealers. This is our country and we fought all the wars to keep our freedom, not to be invaded by 20 million illiterate people, we, our children, are not safe with illegals walking around. If they are smart they will just go home, it is better than being held in a detention center. (HighwayBlueSoccer)

The words "Latino subculture" say it all. The Latinos don't and never did want to assimilate in our country. They don't want to learn the language, (I'm so tired of having the Spanish pushed on me from every venue from phone menus to food packaging that I could scream). (Hernova)

And yes, I realize that this makes up a small minority, and yes, I realize that most of these posters can't spell, and yes, I realize that I should probably just stop listening. And yes, thank God, there are plenty of people who don't share the above points of view.

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