Friday, November 19, 2010

NaBloPoMo (flashback edition)

Who am I? Well, if this helps figure me out at all, I was this girl on November 18th, 2002. (Sorry, I didn't write anything on November 19th of that year.)

Take a trip with me, will you, down memory lane... The first months of dating T, my last year of college, a simultaneously simpler and scarier time...

Monday, 11/18/02

Meteor shower tonight. T stayed up with me in [the school computer lab] while I did internet research for a big debate against the war on Iraq I am doing with the Human Rights Club tomorrow. It was 4 a.m. when we stepped outside into the sharp freezing cold, the first one of its kind all season. We were about to go separate ways, too tired and cold to watch the sky. But staring up a moment, we saw how clearly the heavens towered over us. Each star stood otu perfectly, the moon a bright white sphere looming over the treetops and sleeping houses. I heard T breathe in sharply. He saw a shooting star, and I had missedit. "We aren't going until you see one," he told me. "You're looking the wrong way." Pulling his hands out of his pockets, he turned me around, my back against his chest, and wrapped his arms in an embrace across my chest. Jigsaw puzzle. We fit perfectly, my teeth chattering and shoulders shivering, faces turned upward toward the darkness. I never saw a meteor pass. We became too cold, too tired, and happy enough here on the ground to let this one go, I walked away from the moment.

When I got home, I saw two meteors on my porch. My wishes were:
1) [Wish #1]
2) [Wish #2]

Really, I want T and I to be together forever sometimes. I do? Maybe.

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