Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Every. Little. Bit. Counts.

Holy crap, I just did a lot of work. And by "work", I mean all that not-reading work that accompanies the long death march toward finals. You know. Outlines.

Today I finally paid attention to that neat little gadget called Google Docs that seems to be all the rage about the law school. And I discovered that I can work on the same outline from home, from school, from a library computer, from a rental laptop and even from outer space*!

So I worked on my Trust & Estate outline for like 30 minutes at school, found out my night class was cancelled, came home, cooked for like an hour and a half (stuffed acorn squash AND avocado & cilantro deviled eggs? for real...), ate dinner with T, engaged in some late-semester arguing about my less-than-sunny demeanor and settled back in at the computer. Where I just completed the first quarter of my T&E outline! With a month to go!

Word of advice to any 1Ls reading this blog out there... Outlining is daunting. And if you wait to start (like I do) you will find yourself scrambling to assemble a semi-comprehensible guide to an entire semester of legal principles (x 4 or 5, depending on your course load) in less than four weeks. That's okay! Outlining is daunting. If you're like me, you will put it off because of the sheer immensity of the task. That's NOT okay. Every. Little. Bit. Counts. If you only outline half a class lecture, you will be crying tears of gratitude at a later date for those five fewer cases you'll have to reconstruct from your crappy notes and half-assed briefs.

Actually, I think that's just a word of advice to myself. Disguised as "wisdom" for someone else, it's actually me just reminding myself to keep up the good work!

*probably, assuming there's wifi up there.

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