Monday, April 21, 2008

How to pay for law school... advice, etc.

I'm including some law school advice that I have gleaned from various internet resources, noteably This post is mainly for my own reference / benefit, but feel free to use it as you see fit!

From the Frugal Law Student blog:
- What to do with those loan refunds - aka, How to handle a big check without spending it all in three weeks.
- Everything I need to know about personal finance I learned from Carlton Banks - aka, Why the Fresh Prince of Bel Air is still relevant, 16 years since you stopped regularly watching the re-runs.
- Students turning to private loans to fund education - aka, Slow down! You better read the fine print before agreeing to take any money from those schools...

- 10 Things I Now Know at 40 That I Wish I Knew at 20 (Dough Roller)
- 15 More Free Things to do During a Money-Free Weekend (The Simple Dollar)
- In Debt From Day One: A tale of caution! (Christian Science Monitor)

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